Sustainable transformation
in the energy giant

One of the largest European electricity companies, with operations in more than 10 countries, was facing the challenge of aligning its operations with the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) while accelerating its transition to renewable energy. The company needed to prioritize its clean energy investments, manage the expectations of multiple stakeholders, and adapt to a constantly evolving regulatory framework.


The company needed an effective way to engage its diverse stakeholders, from shareholders and regulators to local communities, to inform its sustainability strategy and ensure ESRS compliance.


They implemented stakeholder engagement software similar to EcoIntelix, focusing on:

    • Generation of personalized surveys: They created specific questionnaires for each stakeholder group, addressing topics from the energy transition to community impact.

    • Advanced response analysis: They used the software’s AI to analyze patterns in the responses and identify key material themes.

    • Alignment with ESRS: They correlated the analysis results with specific ESRS requirements to ensure compliance.


    • Investment in renewables: They achieved a 40% increase in investments in clean energy, guided by the priorities identified in engagement with stakeholders.

    • Emissions reduction: They achieved a 25% decrease in CO2 emissions in two years, exceeding their initial goals.

    • Community relations: They significantly improved the satisfaction of local communities, with a 35% increase in positive perception score.

    • Regulatory compliance: They achieved 95% alignment with ESRS requirements one year before mandatory implementation.
    • Investor attraction: They experienced a 20% increase in ESG fund investments.


The adoption of the engagement platform allowed this electricity company to not only comply with the new regulations, but also accelerate its transition towards a more sustainable business model. By effectively involving its stakeholders, the company was able to make more informed decisions aligned with society’s expectations, strengthening its position as a leader in the European energy transition.