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EcoIntelix is ​​an advanced platform designed to help companies and consultancies analyze and improve their stakeholder engagement, optimizing sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance.

EcoIntelix collects and analyzes stakeholder data using AI and advanced analytical tools. The platform generates detailed reports and recommendations that allow companies and consultancies to better understand the expectations and needs of their interest groups.

EcoIntelix stands out for its focus on stakeholder engagement analysis and the use of advanced technologies such as AI to provide precise and personalized insights. This allows companies and consultancies to offer more detailed reports and more effective recommendations than other ESG solutions.

Yes, EcoIntelix is ​​designed to comply with current sustainability regulations. The platform helps companies stay up-to-date with changing regulations and ensure their sustainability reporting and strategies meet legal and market requirements.

Análisis de stakeholders:

The analysis of stakeholder engagement is an essential process for double materiality, which identifies which aspects of sustainability are relevant for the company and its stakeholders. This analysis is essential for ESG reporting. Traditionally, this process is time-consuming and resource-intensive, but with EcoIntelix, it can be done quickly and efficiently thanks to our automation and AI capabilities.

The analysis in EcoIntelix is ​​carried out in four steps:

  1. Compilation of company information.
  2. Definition of stakeholders and their spokespersons.
  3. Creation and sending of personalized surveys through the platform.
  4. Analysis of responses with AI tools to generate a detailed report.

Double materiality is an approach that considers both the impact of external factors on the company and the impact of the company on the environment and society. Stakeholder engagement analysis is a key part of this approach, as it helps identify and prioritize the most relevant topics for stakeholders and the company.

This section collects data such as the name of the company, sector, number of employees, countries of operation, main product or service, description of the value chain, and reporting standards used, among others.

A stakeholder is any individual or entity that can affect or be affected by the activities of a company. This includes employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, local communities, governments and NGOs. Engaging these groups is crucial to understanding their expectations and improving sustainability strategies.

Not at all! We designed EcoIntelix with ease of use in mind. Its intuitive interface and guided features make stakeholder engagement management accessible to everyone, regardless of their technological experience. Plus, we offer full support to ensure a hassle-free experience.

Usage and Access:

You can request a demo by completing the form on our website (click here) or contacting us directly through support channels.

You will need to provide your name, email address, phone number, and some details about your company to personalize the demo.

Yes, we offer customer support to help with any questions or issues you may encounter while using the platform.

We offer personalized subscription plans tailored to the needs and sizes of different companies. Contact us or request a demo in order to know more (click here).
After requesting a demo, you will receive access to the platform and can begin configuring it for your company. Start by clicking here.

Security and Privacity:

EcoIntelix uses advanced encryption technology and robust security measures to protect all your company's data.

Yes, EcoIntelix complies with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including GDPR in Europe.

We use data encryption, firewalls, and other security protocols to safeguard information.

Yes, you can configure permissions and access levels to ensure that only authorized individuals can view or edit your data.

Employee privacy is a priority; personal data is handled with the utmost care and in compliance with all privacy regulations.