Terms and Conditions - EcoIntelix

Terms and Conditions

1. Services Offered

EcoIntelix is a web platform designed to help businesses, individuals, and consultants manage and improve their sustainability practices. Services include:

  • Stakeholder engagement analysis

2. Users and Clients

EcoIntelix is available for:

  • Businesses from various sectors looking to manage their sustainability.
  • Sustainability consultants advising their clients.

3. Data Usage

We collect data on energy consumption, materials, emissions, and other sustainability-related factors. This data is used exclusively to generate reports and personalized recommendations. Data privacy is protected through encryption and strict access policies.

4. Payments and Fees

We offer different subscription plans:

  • Free trial
  • Monthly and annual plans with varying levels of access

Payments are processed securely and fees are clearly specified on our website.

5. Responsibilities and Warranties

Users are responsible for the accuracy of the data entered into the platform. EcoIntelix guarantees the platform's availability but is not responsible for interruptions beyond its control.

6. Intellectual Property

EcoIntelix retains the intellectual property of the platform and its tools. Users retain ownership of the data entered and the reports generated.

7. Limitation of Liability

EcoIntelix is not liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use of the platform. We commit to restoring service as soon as possible in the event of interruptions.

8. Contact and Support

We offer technical support through:

  • Email

Support includes help with setup, troubleshooting, and advice on using the platform.

9. Modifications and Termination

We will notify users of any changes to the terms and conditions via a notice on the platform and/or email. Users can cancel their subscription at any time.

Contact: For any inquiries, you can contact us at info@ecointelix.com